An exciting new addition for visual art students
What is it?
An opportunity for students to develop their personal art practice while in NYC. The Studio Residency provides a space to create and a studio practicum in addition to customized internships with artists and arts organizations. A semester as a studio resident will include:
Studio Residency & Practicum
Studio space for the entire semester
Weekly visits with curators, artists & critics
Group and individual critiques
Customized internships
Visual Arts & Art History seminar
Student exhibition in NYC
Who’s it for?
Any college student with a serious commitment to their visual art practice can apply. The ideal candidate demonstrates commitment to their art and wants to develop their work in NYC as part of a foundation for their professional art practice.
How do I apply?
Students applying to the Studio Residency must submit the following:
Portfolio of 5 images with a 35-word (maximum) description of each image
What’s the difference between applying to the Studio Residency and the Visual Arts & Art History track?
The Studio Residency is an added weekly commitment to the Visual Arts & Art History Track. Studio Residents will have fewer hours in internships each week to devote to the Residency. You can see the credit breakdown below:
Visual Arts & Art History Semester
30-Hour Internship 3.25 Credit Units
Seminar A: Art Worlds of NYC 1.00 Credit Units
Independent Study/Journal 0.25 Credit Units
Studio Residency Semester
20-Hour Internship 2.25 Credit Units
Seminar A : Art Worlds of NYC 1.00 Credit Units
Seminar B : Studio Residency 1.00 Credit Units
& Practicum
Independent Study/Journal 0.25 Credit Units