Hear from our Past Students
Sasha Bailey
I was given the opportunity to work with soft sculpture artist, Natalie Baxter as well as interning at Gloria’s Project Space, a small, community-focused art space in Ridgewood. The opportunity to experience first hand the creative process of a successful artist has helped shape my personal practice, as well as giving me the necessary skills to market my own work. Interning at Gloria’s allowed me to view the inner workings of a gallery as well as the curatorial process, which is often not experienced by those submitting their work for review.
Internship: Visual Artist Natalie Baxter, Gloria’s Project Space
NYAP ‘19 | Earlham College
Jeremy Loewer
At jigsaw, I learned a great deal about AVID Media Composer and became much more comfortable using an industry standard. I also got to use Adobe Audition which was something I wanted to try of a long time.
When one of our team members was out of office on another project, I had the opportunity to take on more responsibility and to learn about different aspects of the assistant editor workflow that most interns do not. It felt great to take on this extra responsibility.
Members of my team were also generous enough to invite me to multiple meetings, lectures, screenings, and informal gatherings outside of work. In these settings I learned much about networking and met a lot of talented people. Overall, I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to work at Jigsaw, I dare say it changed my life.
Internship & Employment: Jigsaw Productions
NYAP 17 | Allegheny College
Alysia Homminga
My eyes have been opened to the vast number of possibilities I have in the field of theatre arts. I received a job offer from my sponsor for the summer (and maybe beyond) that was better than I ever could have imagined.
Everything about the classes and the work environment was stellar. I got to do everything I wanted to do and more. The most rewarding thing was co-producing and hosting the Film Festival. Truly this was life changing for me.
Internship: Lee Strasberg Institute for Theatre and Film
NYAP 2019
| Kalamazoo College
Mars Wilson
I got to work with so many people from many different backgrounds and I made some very valuable connections. With these new connections, I know that I can count on them if I were to return to New York in the future.
I came into this internship with a higher expectation of trans inclusiveness but I found that there is still a lot of ignorance around trans issue in a queer and feminist space. So I had to learn how to navigate that while performing my duties as an intern. I am so grateful for all of the amazing artists I was able to support with my time at WOW Cafe.
Internship: WOW Cafe Theatre
NYAP 2019 | Kalamazoo College
Joshua Augustin
During the course of my internship I witnessed marketing campaigns play out for several artists of note (Hozier, Gesaffelstein, Vampire Weekend, Solange, Lil Nas X, etc.) with varying degrees of success and response. To witness such a wide berth of artists releasing materials gave me a highly informative look at how pieces move behind the scenes.
I have a better sense now of how major labels function, and the way in which all the various departments work together to coordinate complex release strategies. I was able to contribute ideas directly to promotional/marketing campaign plans, which was highly rewarding.
Internship: Columbia Records (Sony Music)
NYAP 2019 | Oberlin College
Shay Manuela
The best internship experience imaginable: hands-on, in the media capital, with professionals in the field. Many of the people I work with have been working for SNL for longer than I’ve been alive, which gives me access to knowledge and advice that will prove valuable for the rest of my professional career.
Internship: Saturday Night Live
NYAP Fall 2019 | Ohio Wesleyan University
Fela Dosunmu
Speaking from the perspective of someone who has lived in NYC my whole life, the New York Arts Program opened doors for me. Working with music studios like Plug and Premier I was able to grasp a better understanding of the science behind recording not just the art. This was a beautiful introduction for me and with a great advisor like James Olson I was able to strive in the program.
Internship: Plug Studios & Premier Studios
NYAP Fall 2019 | DePauw University